• シラバス詳細情報


開講年度 2018年度
開講学期 2018年度 春学期
授業コード 20270
科目 英語コアIB (B-5)
教員氏名 WRIGHT, Alex
授業種別 週間授業
授業方法 演習
授業概要 This course provides first-year students with a foundation in the English language suitable for practical communication. It is designed to help develop students' confidence and fluency in reading and writing, by building upon their existing language base. Students will be placed in this level based upon performance on the J. F. Oberlin ELP Placement Exam.

All classes are taught in English.
到達目標 ・ Write simple, clear, and well-organized short essays and stories in paragraph form
・ Read at least 2,000 words a week and at least 30,000 words a semester using graded readers
・ Read twenty 350-word essays from the textbook, in class and as homework
・ Develop editing and error-correction skills
・ Develop reading speed and fluency, through timed readings
・ Develop vocabulary knowledge, in class and as homework
授業計画 Week 1 Orientation to Eigo Core IB
Week 2 Skill-based instruction and practice
Week 3 Skill-based instruction and practice
Week 4 Skill-based instruction and practice
Week 5 Skill-based instruction and practice
Week 6 Skill-based instruction and practice
Week 7 Skill-based instruction and practice
Week 8 Skill-based instruction and practice
Week 9 Skill-based instruction and practice
Week 10 Skill-based instruction and practice
Week 11 Skill-based instruction and practice
Week 12 Skill-based instruction and practice
Week 13 Skill-based instruction and practice
Week 14 Skill-based instruction and practice
Week 15 Course review, feedback, and consolidation
Assessment is ongoing; schedule and content will be announced in each class.
NB: Instructors may amend this syllabus to meet the needs of individual classes.
授業時間外学習 Prepare for class tasks and assessments
Maintain a class work notebook/folders
Review class work
Complete unfinished class work
テキスト Reading for Speed and Fluency 2 textbook (Compass Press, 2007)
One graded reader (short fiction book)
One X-Reading online library account (card)
One B5 notebook for use in class
評価基準 Writing Task 1 10%
Writing Task 2 15%
Writing Task 3 20%
Chapter Quizzes 20%
Textbook Final Test 20%
Extensive Reading 15%
最終更新日 2018/05/02
